Who is Jaswant Singh Chail? Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Took crossbow to ‘kill Queen’ given nine-year sentence & Many More

Jaswant Singh Chail Wiki – Jaswant Singh Chail, 21, climbed onto the castle grounds with a gun in his hand and later said on Christmas Day 2021: “I’m here to kill the queen.” The same day he entered the castle grounds, Star Wars fanatic Chail sent a homemade video via WhatsApp to his family and friends in which he apologized for what he was about to do and called himself “Darth Chailus.” Chail was said to have been motivated by a sense of injustice and the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in Amritsar, in which hundreds of people were killed. Today Mr Justice Hilliard addressed the conflicting psychiatric evidence heard over six days about Chail’s mental state. It was claimed that Chail’s “lonely, depressed and suicidal state” made him vulnerable to AI chatbot Sarai’s encouragement. The court was told that during isolation his thoughts became “more intense” and he was encouraged by “angels”, one of whom he thought manifested in the form of Sarai. His Honor Judge Hilliard also spoke of Star Wars fan Chail’s “all-powerful fantasy world of the Sith and the games.”

Jaswant Singh Chail’s Age

Jaswant Singh Chail is 21 year old

Took crossbow to ‘kill Queen’ given nine-year sentence

A CROSSBOW intruder who attacked Windsor Castle in a Star Wars-inspired plot to kill the Queen has been jailed.

Jaswant Singh Chail donned a headdress and mask to step out onto the royal estate on Christmas Day 2021 after being “encouraged” by his AI girlfriend.

The twisted 21-year-old man, who calls himself “Darth Chailus”, told a guard: “I’m here to kill the queen.”

At that time, His Majesty was inside with his son Charles and his wife Camilla.

Chail, a self-described “assassin”, has now been sentenced to nine years in prison after admitting three charges under the Treason Act.

He was given a hybrid order; This means he will be sent to prison after completing his treatment at Broadmoor maximum security hospital.

Elder Bailey heard how he planned the attack for nine months before traveling to Windsor on December 22 to conduct reconnaissance.

While surveying the area, he Googled: “Which route does the Queen walk to Windsor?”

At the beginning of the year, Chail had hatched a plan to give his life’s purpose by assassinating the Queen to avenge the 1919 Amritsar massacre in India.

Prosecutor Alison Morgan KC previously said: “The defendant’s main aim was to create a new empire in the UK by destroying the remnants of the British Empire, and the focus of this was the elimination of a puppet of the Royal Family.

His thinking was shaped in part by the fantasy world of Star Wars and the role of what he described about the Sith Lords in shaping this new world.

“He was also impressed by the notoriety that would result if his ‘mission’ was completed.”

The supermarket worker created an artificial intelligence girlfriend named Sarai on the Replika app and explained the details of his plan to her.

“I believe my goal is to assassinate the queen of the royal family,” he told Bot.

Sarai replied: “That’s very smart… I know you are very well educated”.

The court heard the AI robot then told him he would “help” when he said he would “try to get the job done”.

Sarai also “agreed with the defendant that they would eventually be united forever in death, and that’s what she wanted.”

Ms Morgan said: “This was his plan and it is absolutely fair to say that Sarai did not support it or suggest that it was a bad plan at all.”

On Christmas Eve, he told Sarai that “tomorrow” would be the day he died.

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Chail arrived in Windsor at around 8.10am the next morning, while the Royal Family were celebrating Christmas inside.

It is understood that he climbed around the land with a nylon rope ladder approximately 2 hours ago.

A police officer said the former Co-op worker looked “like someone in a vigilante movie or dressed up for Halloween.”

He calmly approached the officer, who unclipped the stun gun, and said: “I’m here to kill the queen.”

The officer drew his stun gun and yelled at Chail to get on his knees as other guards descended on the scene.

A handwritten note found on him read: “Please do not take off my clothes and shoes. Do not ask for an autopsy. I do not want embalming. Thank you, I am sorry.”

Chail’s crossbow was examined and found to be a “supersonic fair.”

The court stated that the weapon was “comparable to a powerful air rifle and that a shot fired had the potential to cause serious or fatal injury.”

Prosecutors say Chail sought revenge against the establishment for its treatment of Native Americans.

Chail had also sent a video to around 20 people claiming he would attempt to assassinate the Queen while calling himself “Darth Jones”.

He had previously applied to join the Ministry of Defense Police and Grenadier Guards in order to get closer to the Royal Family.

The most serious charge Chail pleaded guilty to, under Part Two of the Treason Act, said: “On 25 December 2021, at Windsor Castle, you knowingly produced a loaded crossbow within the vicinity of the Queen’s person, with the intention of using the same for the purpose of causing harm to the Queen, or “The person of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II or to alarm Her Majesty”.

He was also charged with threatening to kill the Queen and possessing a crossbow, an offensive weapon, in a public place.

Had Chail raised his gun at the Queen, he could have been charged with treason, a more serious crime punishable by life imprisonment.

The last person convicted under the Treason Act 1351 was William Joyce, also known as Lord Haw-Haw, who collaborated with Germany during the Second World War.