Who is Mohammed Abbkr? Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Found guilty of attempted murder after setting two elderly worshippers on fire outside mosques & Many More

Mohammed Abbkr Wiki – Mohammed Abbkr, 29, was found guilty of attempting to burn to death two elderly worshipers as they left mosques in London and Birmingham. Muhammad Abbkr, 29, prayed with the congregation before waiting outside for victims Hashi Odowa, 82, and Muhammad Rayaz, 70. He pursued both men before spraying them with gasoline from a water bottle and setting them on fire using a lighter. Birmingham Crown Court heard Abbkr set Mr Odowa on fire as he walked towards a neighbour’s car outside the West Ealing Islamic Center in west London on February 27. Mr Odowa escaped serious injury by removing his burning jacket and vest, while his neighbor removed his burning hat and his own jacket to help extinguish the flames. Abbkr, of Gillott Road, Edgbaston, attacked Mr Rayaz about 100 miles away after leaving Dudley Road Mosque in Birmingham on March 20.

Mohammed Abbkr’s Age

Mohammed Abbkr is 29 year old

Found guilty of attempted murder after setting two elderly worshippers on fire outside mosques

A man has been found guilty of attempted murder after setting fire to two elderly worshipers outside mosques in London and Birmingham.

Mohammed Abbkr, 29, was today found guilty of two counts of attempted murder at Birmingham Crown Court after setting fire to elderly worshipers leaving mosques in London and Edgbaston in February and March this year.

Jurors convicted Abbkr by an 11-1 majority after deliberating for more than seven hours over two days.

Birmingham Recorder Judge Melbourne Inman KC told the court after the verdicts that he wanted to hear more psychiatric evidence before considering a recommendation that Abbkr be placed on a hospital order.

Abbkr was kept in custody until his sentencing hearing on 17 November.

Abbkr was accused of attempting to kill 82-year-old Hashi Odowa and 70-year-old Mohammed Rayaz in separate attacks earlier this year.

The video, which was played to the jury during the trial at Birmingham Crown Court, was released by West Midlands Police last week. The photo shows Abbkr praying at the West London Islamic Center in Ealing before the first incident on February 27.

As he was leaving the mosque, a fireball can be seen from afar, setting Mr Odowa on fire, causing burns to his ears and hands.

Footage of the Birmingham attack shows both parties praying at Dudley Road Mosque on 20 March. Abbkr then follows the victim through the streets at the end of the prayer and can be heard asking Mr Rayaz if he speaks Arabic.

As he said he was speaking Urdu and Punjabi, Mr Rayaz can be seen being sprayed with liquid from a bottle and then engulfed in a ball of flames.

Abbkr allegedly targeted Mr Odowa when he failed to recognize him and told him: ‘I swear to God you will recognize me.’

In his police statement, Mr Odowa described how he thought he was going to die after he was covered in a light-coloured liquid and a lighter was held around his neck.

He said: ‘The man said in Arabic, ‘I swear in the name of Allah, you will recognize me.’

‘I felt like he wanted to threaten me. The man then approached me. I saw you shake the bottle. He aimed at my face and then poured gasoline from top to bottom. I brought my hand to my face.

‘Then he lit the flame, which caught the left side of my face. I don’t know what started the fire. I remember a big flame. I remember taking off my jacket to put out the flames. My vest was on fire and I took it off.’

Abbkr also sprayed gasoline on Rayaz, leaving him ‘in flames from head to toe’ because he did not speak Arabic, jurors said.

In his statement to the police, Mr Rayaz said he was attacked as he was leaving the Dudley Road mosque, which he had been a regular at for 15 years.

He said: ‘I never saw him coming from behind me, from the right or left. He came in front of me and started attacking me. I tried to continue.

‘He had something in his hand and I wondered if it was a knife and he was going to attack me with a knife.

‘He quickly threw something at me. Flames rose. I didn’t know what to do. I just tried to take off my clothes. I was screaming for help, but no one came.’

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Prosecutor Nicholas de la Poer KC told the court: ‘The prosecution’s case is that the defendant intended to kill Mr Odowa and Mr Rayaz when he attacked them.

‘The defendant denied this and claimed on his behalf that he was experiencing delusions at the time and did not intend to kill a person.

‘Mr Rayaz survived the defendant’s attack but was less fortunate than Mr Odowa.

‘He suffered more serious burns, particularly injuries to his head. He remained in hospital for several weeks following the attack.

‘The prosecution’s case is that the defendant intended to kill Mr Rayaz when he threw petrol at him, set him on fire and then added more petrol to the flames.’

The court heard Abbkr came to the UK from Sudan in 2017 and was granted asylum in 2019.

Following his arrest, he was diagnosed as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, which included persecutory and religious delusions.